US Presidential Election 2016
1) What is your gender?
17 or younger
18 - 24
25 - 32
33 - 42
43 - 52
53 - 62
63 - 73
73 - 82
83 or older
2) What is your gender?
3) Do you plan on voting in the 2016 Presidential election?
I'm not decided yet
4) Do you consider yourself as a Democrat, Republican, Independent or Other?
5) Between these two presidential candidates, who would you vote for if elections were today.
Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton
I would not vote if these were my choice
6) Your biggest motivation vote would be?
Please select at least 1 choice.
I am a supporter of Clinton
I am a supporter of Trump
I am supporter of Democrats
I am supporter of Republicans
Vote Clinton 'To stop Trump'
Vote Trump 'To stop Clinton'
Other reason:
7) If you could replace the Democratic candidates, who would be your candidate?
Hillary Clinton
Bernie Saunders
Martin O'Mally
8) If you could replace the Republican candidates, who would be your candidate?
Donald Trump
Ted Cruz
Ben Carson
John Kasich
Jim Gilmore
Lindsay Graham
George Pataki
Rand Paul
Rick Santorum
Jeb Bush
Chris Christie
Marco Rubio
Mike Huckabee
Carly Fiorina
Answer required
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