Physical fitness survey
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please take a moment to fill in this short physical fitness survey.
1) What is your current level of physical fitness?*

2) How often do you do cardio exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, cycling etc.)?*

3) How often do you do strength exercise (lifting weights, push-ups, squats etc.)?*

4) Do you follow an exercise plan?*

5) With whom do you do most of your regular workouts?*

6) Do you do any of the sports below?*
Please select at most 14 choices.

7) How often do you play sports?*

8) Are you trying to improve your physical performance?*

9) How important is physical fitness to you?*

10) How much exercise you think you do?*

11) Do you follow a meal plan created by a nutritionist?*

12) Do you consume athletics food supplements?*

13) Do you smoke cigarettes or cigars?*

14) Do you drink alcoholic beverages?*

15) Do you have any medical restrictions influencing your physical abilities?*

*Answer required