Hard bass music style/Gopnik subculture survey
Hard bass is music genre originating in countries of former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics during the late 1990s. Best known composers are based in Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia, Czechia, Germany, Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Spain and Great Britain.
The music is characterized by fast (150-175 BPM) bass baseline, warped sounds and infrequent rapping.
This music style is connected to the gopnik sub-culture. Male gopnik resp. female gopnitsa is young adult coming from lower class family usually living in suburban areas. They can be easily recognized since they often wear Adidas or Puma tracksuit, ushanka hat and Adidas running shoes. These individuals can be frequently seen drinking kvas (traditional fermented Slavic and Baltic alcoholic beverage), light beer or cheap vodka and smoking cheap cigarettes. Commonly they are equipped with a butterfly knife. Their favorite transportation vehicle is personal automobile Lada.
Which of these famous hard bass interprets do you know?*
Please select at least 1 choice.

Hardbass concert
Have you been on any hard-bass concert?*

Which of these collective music labels do you know?

Gopnik meetup.
Do you attend/organize local Gopnik meetings?*

Do you own Lada automobile?*

Where do you come from?*

How often do you consume following alcoholic beverages?*

Every dayOnly on Friday and Sunday eveningI rather read a book
Which food made by your babushka do you like the most?*

Not muchGoodWhen is the serving?
If you are interested in the responses of fellow Hard bass music listeners/gopniks go to:
*Answer required
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