Food and eating habits survey
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please take a moment to fill in this short food and eating habits questionnaire.
1) In a typical day, how many times do you eat?*

2) What meal would you consider to be your main meal of the day?*

3) What is your typical main meal on workdays?*

4) What is your typical main meal on weekends?*

5) In a typical day, how many of your meals include carbohydrates (bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn etc.)?*

6) In a typical day, how many of your meals include protein (meat, eggs, nuts etc.)?*

7) In a typical day, how many of your meals include vegetables?*

8) In a typical day, how many of your meals include fruit?*

9) Do you consume athletics food supplements?*

10) Do you know your current BMI (Body Mass Index)?*

11) Do you have diabetes?*

12) Do you have any particular food allergies?*

13) Have you or are you experiencing cholesterol related problems?*

14) Do you follow a meal plan created by a nutritionist?*

*Answer required