COVID-19 Awareness and perception survey - Survey results

COVID-19 is a new type coronavirus dangerous to humans more than typical strains of seasonal flu. The virus outbreak started late in 2019 in Chinese city of Wuhan. Since then the virus has spread globally to virtually all countries in the world. This wide spread infection is called pandemic. Individual countries have adopted own set of rules to slow down the infection rate and protect its citizens. Many countries have applied various forms of quarantines. Some have made it mandatory to wear facial mask or respirators. Various service providers and shop types have been allowed to run emergency mode or were completely or partially closed during this time.
3M Respirator
1) Are you using any type of respiratory system protection?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, I am using a homemade mask49.09
Yes, I am using a store purchased mask2659.09
Yes, I am using a homemade respirator36.82
Yes, I am using a store purchased respirator49.09
No, I do not feel like I should use any715.91
Anti COVID-19 glasses
2) Are you using any type of visual system (eyes) protection?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, I am using dioptric glasses1227.27
Yes, I am using non-dioptric glasses613.64
Yes, I am using special protective glasses511.36
Yes, I am using shield to protect my eyes36.82
No, I do not need eye protection1738.64
No, because I was not able to purchase any12.27
Corona virus disinfectant spray
3) Do you use disinfection to clean your home?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, I disinfect my home3375
No, because I was not able obtain any disinfection613.64
4) Is your workspace disinfected by your employer?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, my employer disinfects the workspace2556.82
No, but I disinfect at least the area I work in1534.09
Using plastic gloves is a practice adopted by many shops and service providers that remain open. The gloves are then safely disposed or disinfected and used again if possible. This protects the user from getting the virus on his/her hands.
Rubber gloves
5) Do you use or carry gloves for events like shopping etc.?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, I have reusable gloves that I disinfect1125
Yes, I use single usage gloves1636.36
Yes, I use them when I am provided with them1022.73
No, I was not able to purchase any24.55
No, I do not feel the need511.36
6) Do you personally know someone infected with the COVID-19 corona virus?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, a person I share my home with2020.2
Yes, a colleague working in the same office1414.14
Yes, a friend of mine2121.22
Yes, my family member1313.13
Yes, a client I must get in touch with1515.15
I have a suspicion, but it was not confirmed1616.16
The COVID-19 virus outbreak counter measures will have significant economic impact worldwide. The travel industry and gastro industries will be among the ones which will suffer the hardest revenue decrease. On the other hand, goods transport and e-commerce industries are experiencing sales spike.
COVID-19 Economic impact
7) Are you worried that the current situation will impact your career or business?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, by large extent2863.64
Yes, by medium extent1431.82
Yes, but by minimal extent12.27
8) What do you think that will be 1-3-year term impacts of the virus outbreak?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Localization of the goods production from Asia2863.64
Limited travel possibilities1431.82
World will return to state before the outbreak24.54
Money for coronavirus vaccine
9) If there would be a possibility to get vaccinated for the COVID-19 would you be willing to purchase the vaccine from your personal savings?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Yes, if the vaccine is up to 50 USD12.27
Yes, if the vaccine is up to 100 USD920.45
Yes, if the vaccine is up to 200 USD1329.55
Yes, if the vaccine is up to 500 USD715.91
Yes, if the vaccine is up to 1000 USD613.64
Yes, if the vaccine is up to 10000 USD36.82
Yes, even if the price would be above 10000 USD36.82
No, the government should provide the vaccines12.27
No, I have a big confidence in my immunity system12.27
As of the date of creation of this survey the COVID-19 corona virus epicenters have been in primarily in Asia (China), United States, western Europe (Spain, Germany, France) and Iran.
10) In which continent do you reside?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
North America1534.09
South America613.64
11) Do you find it offensive when the COVID-19 coronavirus is referred to as a China virus, Wuhan virus or CCP Virus (Chinese Communist Party virus)?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
COVID-19 Baby boom
12) Do you think that the coronavirus will increase the number of newborn babies and thus create a coronavirus baby boom?
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
Age group statistics
13) COVID-19 infection has been proven to have a statistically different development and mortality rate for people from different age groups. Please fill in your age group below:
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Option ᐃCount ᐁ% ᐁ
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